Thursday, September 22, 2016

Digital Literacy: What You Need To Know

Digital literacy can be defined by a few things.  According to the University Library of the University of Illinois, “it is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.  It is the ability to understand and use information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers.  It is the ability to read and interpret media, to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments.” (US Digital Literacy)

Digital literacy is important for children because it allows them to better sustain themselves academically, socially, and globally, they can educate themselves inside and outside of the classroom with the touch of a button, and as education becomes more accessible, they become more accountable for their individual knowledge base. As the US Digital Literacy webpage states, "The use of digital tools emphasizes discovery through applying, finding, assessing, synthesizing, and utilizing information."  

There are many different examples of digital literacy in and out of the classroom.  A few examples are:
  • ·      Smart Boards to teach and implement lessons  
  • ·      Computers to use the web in order to enhance the learning of the students
  • ·      Using online videos to enhance teaching lessons
"Copyright is a protection provided by law to the creators of original works." (6070 Robb, Copyright, Plagiarism, and Citations)  It is necessary for not only teachers but also students to understand copyright.  This means both teachers ands students need to be educated on what can and cannot be done in order to stay compliant with the laws of copyright.  It's important to teach students how to correctly cite information.  Also, making sure students understand that copying someone else's work and not citing it is called plagiarism.  


1 comment:

  1. This is a great report on digital literacy and copyright. Thank goodness you referenced information on copyright with links and citation.
